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Creation Destination.
Meet Austin
“Hey, my name’s Austin Dellamano. I am a Director and Producer based in Nashville, TN. I started Weems Creative, formerly Lighthouse Studio, in 2015 as a way to pay homage to my late grandmother, Lois Weems, for her role in fostering my passion for the arts as a kid.
I have worked as a photographer and videographer for nearly 12 years in a wide array of industries, from senior pictures, to weddings, music videos and more, but I’ve found my calling working with artists in the music industry. I started this venture to escape the 9-5 life and put my talents to good use, but it has evolved over the years into something I never could have imagined.
I started in this field as a wedding photographer and videographer in the St. Louis area, and I’ve continued working and developing my style and skills over the years. I moved to Nashville in 2019, and have loved working with a diverse range of artists and bands, and look forward to a new challenge with each project.
Featured Works:
“Lost Without You” Laurel Sabadosh - Music Video Premiere - CMT - 2023
“Baptize Me” Saving Abel - Music Video Premiere - American Songwriter - 2023
“One You’ll Never Know” Laurel Sabadosh - Music Video Premiere - CMT - 2022
“Whatever You’re Up For” The Kentucky Gentlemen - Music Video Premiere - CMT 2022
“Vibin’” Live Performance Concert - The Kentucky Gentlemen - CMT - 2021